Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids: The Trinity of Quality Feed

All animals require certain essential nutrients to support health and life: vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These components are the foundation of a complete, high-quality feed that allows livestock to reach their productive potential. While there are basic requirements for crude protein, fats and carbohydrates as energy sources, vitamins, minerals and amino acids provide nutrition for specific physiological functions.

Vitamins enable critical roles like metabolism, vision, reproduction and bone development. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and zinc are essential for skeletal growth, metabolism, enzyme function and immunity. Amino acids, especially the “essential” amino acids, are the building blocks of protein for muscle, tissues, hormones, antibodies and enzymes. When any of these nutrients are lacking, deficiency symptoms and disorders may appear despite adequate dietary energy.   

Quality feed formulated with optimal amounts of vitamins, minerals and amino acids results in healthy, high-performing animals. Deficiencies and related issues are prevented. Reproduction and growth rates improve. Feed is converted efficiently with less waste. Disease resistance increases, reducing mortality and medication costs. Product quality and yields are enhanced. With the nutritional foundation to express full genetic potential, your livestock can achieve maximum productivity and profitability. 

To gain the benefits of balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids in your feed program, follow these steps: 

1. Have a nutritionist determine the ideal levels of vitamins, minerals and amino acids for your species, breed and class of animals based on factors like life stage, size, health status and production goals.

2. Source high-quality ingredients to provide these nutrients as naturally as possible. Look for options backed by research to ensure sufficient digestibility and bioavailability for your needs.  

3. Monitor animals closely when changing feed to watch for any deficiency symptoms if certain nutrients fall below or temporarily exceed requirements. Look for signs of improved health, growth or production when optimized.

4. Compare animal metrics before and after changes to determine the impact of improved vitamin, mineral and amino acid profiles. Record factors such as growth rates, morbidity, mortality, reproductive efficiency, productivity volumes and product quality.  

5. Continually re-evaluate your feed formula based on both animal requirements as well as ingredient options and updates. The science of nutrition is constantly evolving, as is your herd or flock.

Quality begins from the source: solid nutrition provided by premium feed. United, vitamins, minerals and amino acids nourish potential, elevate health, fortify productivity—and lay a foundation to build upon for breeding the best, then harvesting success, sustainably, for generations to come. Feed fundamentals, achieve the exceptional.

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Tony Cui
Tony Cui

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